What is Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is when laser light is tuned to specific wavelengths and frequencies and applied to an organism in order to stimulate metabolic processes at the cellular level. Laser light holds its intensity until it is absorbed by a medium; in the case of laser therapy, the medium is the body. The photon energy of laser light can effectively penetrate the skin and underlying structures, which accelerates the body’s natural healing process. Laser therapy utilizes the wavelengths and frequencies of visible red and near infrared (NIR) light to treat a variety of conditions at their source within the body through safe, non-invasive, and painless procedures.


“I am an active senior and suffered a sports related injury several years ago. After initial recovery I was left with very severe tendonitis in my lower leg. I tried laser therapy, which provided instant relief and no discomfort. I was able to immediately continue my activities.”

– Gary D, New Jersey